In today’s world, whether you’re an online or an offline business, there’s no doubt you should use video marketing.
According to Cisco, 82% of consumer online internet traffic will consist of Videos by 2022. Or in other words – 82% of people will make a purchase only after watching a video.
The above statistic goes hand in hand with the following one: According to Insivia, Consumers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to only 10% when reading it in text.
So what’s stops you from making a marketing video ad for your business? One of the most common misconceptions is that a video ad cost would always be in the thousands of dollars range.
In this article, we’ll go through the cheapest to the most expensive ways of producing a marketing video ad for your business.
Marketing Video Types
Before we dive into the different options for making professional marketing videos and their price ranges, let’s just make it clear what marketing videos are.
We’ve grouped all marketing video types into 4 main categories, these video categories can all be made using the ways described further down in this guide.
- Video Ads – typically 30-60 seconds long, very product-oriented, and used mainly for paid ads
- Testimonials – typically 60-180 seconds long, features real testimonials of existing clients, usually used as a “Re-Marketing” video as a part of a marketing video funnel
- Education – Longer videos that get traffic organically (not paid), and educate the audience of the product or the product’s industry
- Branding – Longer videos aimed to empower the brand itself, often funny and engaging videos

Using DIY Marketing Video Makers: $40 – $100
The cheapest, and actually very useful way of creating a marketing video ad, is to purchase a subscription for one of the online marketing video makers.
These marketing video makers are online software, that provides business owners access to thousands of pre-made video templates, and millions of useable video clips.
The video templates are made by professional videographers and are constantly optimized based on real-life tests. You can browse around different video template categories, niches, and even specific industries – like Real Estate Video templates, App walkthrough video templates and more.
All marketing video makers have a built-in editor, that’s very intuitive and easy to use. It’s safe to say that probably anyone can use it.
Any Video template is 100% customizable, so you’ll be able to:
- Cut out parts you don’t like
- Upload and insert your own Video Footage
- Add a premium video clip from a large categorized library
- Add your logo, CTA, and on-screen text
- Upload background music or choose from the royalty-free music library
It all sounds great, right? what are the downsides?
With video makers being a DIY tool, targeting business owners, social managers and web entrepreneurs, it doesn’t have advanced editing features that will satisfy a professional Videographer.
Multi-layer objects are among the missing features, so in case you’ll want to add two different audio tracks on top of each other, you’d have to work your way around by exporting the video with the first track, and upload it again to place the second one.
Which Marketing Video Maker Should I use?
Trying out all Video Makers is 100% free, in some of them, you can even share your work on social media for free. You’ll be asked to get a subscription, only when you’d try to export your marketing video into a downloadable file.
That’s why we strongly suggest experimenting with all Video Makers, looking for video templates that suit your business, before taking your pick. Industries leading marketing video makers are Promo, Moovly, and Wevideo.
What about commercial rights?
Once you’ve made yourself a marketing video using one of the above video makers, you own full commercial rights for that video. Even if you decide to terminate your monthly subscription to the video maker, you’d still own all rights for the videos you’ve already made.
Using a Videographer: $200 – $1500
Using a videographer is probably the most common way of making a marketing video. A marketing videographer will assemble your video using software like ——, and will probably be able to achieve a higher quality benchmark than a DIY marketing video maker.
In case you can’t, or just don’t want to use stock video clips, you’d have to shoot your own footage. This will make your hiring a bit harder, you’d have to look for a videographer that both shoots and edits, and you’ll be limited to professionals in your city/region only.
If you do decide to use stock video, or even shoot the needed footage yourself, you could easily find an online freelance videographer that will get the job done. Hiring online will let you read past customer’s reviews, and watch some of the videographer’s work before you’ve even contacted him. That’s very helpful.
Where can I find a Videographer?
Local Videographers: One of the best places to find a local videographer is on relevant Facebook Groups. Just type on Facebook something like – Freelance Videographers in your language, and filter it to groups only. You’ll most likely find very active Facebook communities of local videographers.
Another option is to go with the good-old Google Search for “Videographers + your town”, checking out Videographer’s websites and other search results.
Online Remote Videographers: As for remote videographers, Fiverr has a really strong Video editing section, with many top-notch videographers.
In 2017, Fiverr purchased , an online community of over 3500 professional freelance videographers, adding them to their existing video editing segment, sealing their position as the best freelance marketplace for videographers.
Important guidelines for hiring a freelance Videographer
When researching and filtering different Video editing candidates, it’s important to make sure to:
- Read real reviews of previous customers
- Talk to at least 5 different candidates before hiring
- Watch examples of marketing videos that’s been done by the videographer
- Make sure you connect and feel comparable talking to the freelancer
- If a freelancer gives ideas and suggestions in the first conversation it’s a great sign if he doesn’t, and just expect to be hired and then start coming up with ideas, stay away
Using a Production Company: $3000 – $250k
If you’re at the level of using a production company than kudus! You probably know you’ve got a good product in your hands, and it makes sense to invest more in producing a high-quality commercial for it.
The production company will take care of every aspect of your video, including finding models and actors, shooting days, and post-production video editing.
Where can I find Video Production Companies?
The absolutely best method of finding a production company that will suit you is by doing “headhunting”. This means to come up with a list of Brand’s videos that you liked, and finding out who produced them. Don’t hesitate to go as far as contacting these companies and asking for an intro mail with the production company. This will usually work out.
Another good lead is to check out Clutch which is a pretty serious B2B networking platform. Most reputable production companies are listed there.
Using an Ad Agency: $50k – unlimited
The only difference between a ‘Production Company’ and an ‘Ad Agency’ is that Ad Agencies also provide media buying services.
So basically, the ad agency will produce your video just like the production company, (they might even hire a separate production company) but will also be responsible of running the video ad online, buying ad spaces, measuring results and optimizing.
The Ad Agency fits brand’s without an in-house online marketing team, or one’s with small/limited teams. They will have experts in every field – Media Buying, Social Advertising, SEM, content marketing and more.
The good thing about working with ad agencies is that they get paid based on performance. So usually they get 6%-10% of all ad spend, as long as they reach certain ROI goals. This payment method ensures full dedication from the Ad Agency and reassures the brand’s only paying for real ROI measured growth.
How to find an Ad Agency?
If serious about finding a professional Ad Agency to promote your business, I suggest to check out Neil Patel, which is probably one of the best most famous marketers in the world, and his ad agency.
Checking out Clutch and doing “headhunting” as described in the production company section above, is also recommended.
As you just read, there’s a very wide spread of the budget required to make a marketing video ad for your bussiness. I’m sure you’ve already made your mind which one fits the current stage of your project.
For any further questions or consultation, comment below or contact us directly. Thanks.