About Us

Our mission – 

VideoMaking.org is a free resource site for helping small businesses and individuals create, customize and improve their marketing video strategy. The main goal of this website is to provide step-by-step instructions for business owners to set up their own marketing video strategy. 

Secondary, we wish to provide guidance for anyone who wants to create or edit, videos of any kind.

We aim to update our users with video making trends and tricks, video templates, and new tactics to promote their online/offline business with videos.
We publish new articles weekly, do constant article updating and run a weekly newsletter.

​We launched our tutorials website with articles guiding real estate agents to generate relevant customer leads using marketing video ads on FB. 
The article walks through the steps of understanding how video marketing works, how to create marketing videos and how to run them as video ads on Facebook.

We since uploaded a dozen more articles and will keep uploading more articles weekly.

We write our articles based on our team’s experience, extensive research, and the latest video trends.

Contact Us – 

We’d like to get any feedback and questions regarding online video creation and marketing on VideoMaking.org (guides, tutorials, and comparisons), you want to leave feedback or become a writer on our site – don’t hesitate to contact us.